
Sunday, October 30, 2011

另一個地球 Another Earth

“If you met yourself, what would you say?” - Another Earth


另一個地球這部片得到今年日舞影展Alfred P. Sloan Prize大獎,這部電影僅僅用了二十萬美金的預算來拍攝,但是整部電影的音樂,運鏡,畫面都堪稱佳作。雖然這並不是第一部電影提及「另外一個地球」的概念,但片中提到的概念卻相當耐人尋味:

“In the grand history of the cosmos, more than thirteen thousand million years old, our Earth is replicated elsewhere.  There’s another you out there.  Now you begin to wonder: ‘Have they made the same mistakes I’ve made; and is that me better than this me?’”

如果在另一個平行時空,有另一個地球,有一個跟你一模一樣的你,如果你生命有第二次機會,那些人你不想錯過? 那些後悔的事你想重新再做一次?
